Sedona Dental Arts: Diagnostic Services

Sedona dentist diagnostic equipmentWe were very excited when we invested in Digital x-rays which use 75% less radiation than older technology! Now we’ve gone one step better: we use hand held x-ray units for faster, easier, better imaging. Digital x-rays provide images that can be manipulated and enhanced for better diagnosis. They also allow us to use a more flexible, more comfortable “film.”


Diagnostic X-ray Frequency

While we have always been conscientious about taking as few x-rays as possible, we have found that the dental profession’s standard for frequency of x-rays is essential. Therefore, we take 4 bitewing x-rays every year. We take a Panoramic x-ray or a full-mouth-series of x-rays every 3 to 5 years. A panoramic x-ray captures a view from one side of the head to the other showing the jaw, joints, and teeth, including the roots. A full mouth series of 18 small films shows more detailed images of the teeth, roots, and bone.

Intra-oral dental cameras

Intra-oral Camera

Would you like to see that crack in your tooth? Using an intra-oral camera, everything in your mouth can be shown on the screen right in front of you! We also document conditions with Intra Oral Photos for comparison in monitoring for changes.

Diagnodent Laser Caries Detection Aid

Decay in deep grooves has always been difficult to detect in its early stages. We frequently use a DIAGNOdent Laser Caries Detection Aid to assist in identifying hidden decay, especially in children.

ViziLite Plus Oral Cancer Screenings

We offer oral cancer screenings using a ViziLite Plus light wand that helps detect suspicious lesions. We recommend this screening for those at high risk. This includes smokers, users of chewing tobacco and others. Because oral cancer isn’t usually diagnosed until late stages, this light is an important new tool in helping us catch this highly disfiguring cancer early.

For more information about any of the procedures listed above, visit the
American Dental Association website.