Sedona Cosmetic Dentistry

Excellence in Cosmetic Dentistry

Our doctors and our labs perform excellent cosmetic work…and they love doing it! We are experts at porcelain crowns, veneers, and composite sculpting. We can perform full mouth reconstruction, taking multiple steps to ensure a fabulous result. We’d be happy to explore what we can do to beautify your smile.

Sedona cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening - Before
Dr. Bill's patient

Sedona cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening - After
Dr. Bill's (extremely satisfied) patient


Teeth Whitening

Bleaching trays and our low irritation bleaching solution is the most effective way to whiten natural teeth. We make long lasting, durable bleaching trays on models of your teeth. You complete daily at-home 15 minute treatments until your teeth are as white as you desire, often in 7 days or less. Usually a once-a-month retreatment will maintain your desired color.

For more information about any of the procedures listed above, visit the
American Dental Association website.